This is one of a series called “30 Days of Video Games“, an exercise on daily writing.
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Da, comrade. There is only one logical choice. Tetris for the Nintendo GameBoy.
Featuring perhaps one of the most famous and iconic video game scores, the GameBoy version of Tetris’ 8-bit arrangement of “Korobeiniki” is known the world over simply as the “Tetris Song”;
Much lesser known but just as awesome, the game came with two more arrangements;
With Tetris becoming such a sensation during the glasnost period of the USSR, the game was a natural fit to highlight the indomitable cultural legacy of Russia. Versions of the game often include images of Russian & Soviet culture, images such as St. Basil’s Cathedral, Yuri Gagarin, and scenes from the Nutcracker ballet, just to name a few. Music was also a way that the various Tetris games presented and shared Russian culture, and in the GameBoy version, they nailed it.
Plus, it was a very pleasant surprise to go a Timbers game for the first time and see the Timbers Army serenading our beloved club on with this;
With all this being said about Tetris, I have to give two honorable mentions, Diablo & Civilization 4.
Let me know your favorites!
Tetris track B was definitely my favorite of the 3, as I spent so many hours playing. MarioLand 1 or 2 had another favorite soundtrack. More recently, I’ve enjoyed the music in Civ V, especially those loading tracks for BNW and G&K
Yeah the music in BNW has been a pleasant surprise. I can’t really give best soundtrack to Civ IV, “Baba Yetu” notwithstanding, because I often felt myself annoyed at the music during the game. It felt repetitive and the sound levels were always off. Civ V has been pretty good in that regard.